Friday, 27 February 2015

The Charming Family Legacy Gen.1 Ch.1

Hello and welcome to the first chapter of my new legacy, The Charming Family Legacy!!

This cutie on the cover is Charlie Charming and he will be the founder of our story. For those of you who don't know, a 'legacy challenge' is when a single sim (the founder / generation 1) has the job of making the future generations of the legacy, for example, Charlie's kids will be generation 2, their kids will be generation 3 and so on... The aim of the challenge is to reach generation 10!

If you still want to know more you can check out the official rules here:

However, obviously, rules are made to be broken right?? So I'm not strictly following all of them as you will soon notice... But oh well, my legacy, my game, my style!

Okay, so enough chit-chat, let's get on with the story!

Charlie: Um... Hello? Is someone there??

Hi Charlie! My name's JoJo and I'm... Um... It's kind of hard to explain, I'm a sort of all-powerful voice that has control over everything in your world...

Charlie: Oh my muffins... should I be scared??

Nah, don't worry, I wouldn't be a very good writer if I killed the founder...

Charlie: *gulp*

So what do you think of your new house!?

Charlie: House??... What house??

Turn around...

Charlie: Whoa!! Is that mine!?

Yes, all yours! Now, go have a look inside!

Here's the kitchen / dining / living room...

And the bedroom...

Then lastly, you have a bathroom! See how generous I am?

Charlie: It's very...

Stylishly minimalistic??

Charlie: I was going to say small and cheap.

Well, the official rules state that you're supposed to start on an empty lot, so I'd just be grateful of a roof if I were you...

Charlie: Oh... Um... I mean... I love it, what a nice house!

Now, before I forget, here is Charlie Charming's fact file:

Name: Charlie Charming
Traits: Clumsy, bookworm, genius, hopeless romantic and coward
LTW: World Renowned Surgeon
Favourites: Indie, cookies and lime
Star Sign: Aries

Charlie: GASP!! You got me a telescope!?... That's so cool!!

Looks like the $500 I spent on the TV was pointless...

Charlie: Can I play with it, please, please, please!?

Whoa! It's not a toy!! You need a telescope to learn skills for a job!!

Charlie: What, why do I have to get a job!?

Um... Money??... For things like bills and food maybe??

Charlie: But-

No buts! We're going to find you some work!

Charlie: The hospital?! But it's so big... and... um... filled with sick people!!

That's kind of the point of the hospital...

Charlie: Holy fudge... I can't do it, what if they FIRE ME!?

*Rolls eyes* ... Come on, you can't get fired if they haven't even hired you yet, just go in!

Charlie: Okay...

Charlie: Voice!! I did it, I've got a job!!

See, I told you there was nothing to worry about

Charlie: I am now Sunset Valley's official organ donor!!... Oh holy plumbob...

Charlie: Can I go home now??

No, you just moved in so we need to get you some friends! How about the park??

Charlie: Actually I'd rather-

Great, let's go!!

Charlie: Why does the random statue in the park look like he's holding a Christmas cracker??

What do mean he... Hmm... I guess it does a bit... Just another example of this games excellent graphics...

So Charlie, go make some new friends!!

Charlie: Um... With who??

Oh... Ok, go play some chess until someone arrives


Charlie: Shh!!... I'm in the zone ...

Charlie: UGH!! Why is this game so hard!?

Wait, are you seriously losing to a chair?? ... Wow

Oh look! That's your new boss's wife!!

Charlie: Can't you see I'm busy here!?

Stop playing with the chair and go talk to her!!

Charlie: Hello, Mrs Landgraab, I'm Charlie Charming

Whoa!! I said go and talk to her, no need for the love sparkles thank you...

And I'm sorry, this has nothing to do with the legacy but I just had to point it out... This guy is sat outside the police station, in broad daylight, having a picnic, wearing a mask and stripped jumper..... I have no words.

Charlie!? Okay, clearly you're too good at socializing; time to go home!!

Charlie: I'm confused, why are we leaving??

Two words Charlie... Bosses. Wife.

Charlie: GASP!! So can I play with my telescope now!?

Sorry, but eating is more important at the moment. I wouldn't be doing very well if you died from starvation on your first day!

What are you going to make for dinner??

Charlie: Hmm... I was thinking mac and cheese!

Whoa!! Mac and cheese, without any cooking skill?? Do you want to burn to death!?

Charlie: Oh relax, it can't be that hard...

Be careful with that knife-

Charlie: OW!! I CUT MY FINGER!!

Charlie: Mmm... It actually smells quite good...

For fudges sake, at least keep your eyes open!!

Charlie: It's ready!! ... Is it supposed to be that colour??

Yeh, I'm sure it'll be fine

Charlie: That... was... just...


Charlie: I need a moment... *runs to bathroom*

So what are you doing now??

Charlie: Just relaxing, and reading a book

Boooooooooring!! I'll come back tomorrow morning...

- 6:00am -


Charlie: Zzz...Zzz...


Charlie: Zzz...Zzz...


Charlie: Whaa!? What's happening!?

Oh good, you're awake!

Charlie: Are you trying to give me a heart attack!?

No... I... Um... Pink love heart undies?? Really, Charlie??

Charlie: *singing One Direction* ... and that's what makes you BEAU-TI-FUL!!

Seriously, hurry up, you have work in an hour!!

Charlie: Voice!? You can't be in here when I'm in the shower!!

Says the guy singing naked in front of a window...

Charlie: So, do I look ready for work??

Hmm... The jacket and tie are nice but... you might want to try using a belt...

Charlie: Cool, I get to ride in a real car!!

Wait, isn't that the taxi driver lady?? ... *cough cough* stalker...

Charlie: Hello fellow workers!! I'm Charlie Charming, the new organ donor!!

I wouldn't be spreading that around if I were you...

Charlie: Woo!! I finished my first day of work, and I still have all my vital organs!!

Congratulations!! Now come with me, I have a surprise for you!

Charlie: ... Will it be painful??

No, we're going to meet your potential future wife!!

Charlie: GASP!! Is that her!?

Yeah, what do you think??

Charlie: Pretty...

... Charlie??

Charlie: What??

You're staring.

Charlie: Oh... Um... Hello!!

Charlie: Welcome to Sunset Valley, my names Charlie!

?: Hi Charlie, I'm Mara-

And I'm JoJo!! Nice to meet you Mara!!

Mara: Um... Who are you!?

Charlie: Oh don't worry about her, she's just some 'all powerful' voice in the sky...

Mara: Holy plumbob, you know GOD!?

Charlie: No, her name's JoJo-

But God's fine too, I'm not fussy!

Charlie: So Mara... I was wondering if maybe you'd like to have dinner with me??

Mara: Okay sounds fun! Where do you want to go??

The diner?? Real classy Charlie...

Charlie: Hey, it's not my fault I'm next to broke!

Mara: What was that?

Charlie: Nothing!!

Mara: I had an amazing time tonight Charlie, we should do this again soon!

Charlie: Really!? ...  I mean... Oh okay, cool whatever...

Charlie: That was the best date ever-

Shh!! Your stalker taxi driver is listening...

StalkerDriverLady: *death stare*

Charlie: So, can I play with my telescope now!?

Sorry, but it's time for bed

Charlie: Whaa!? But I have work tomorrow!!

It's not my fault you need the money!

Charlie: Besides, I'm not even tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-red...

Good night Charlie, see you tomorrow

Gooooooood morning, rise and shine!!

Charlie: What did I say about coming in the bathroom!?

Charlie: What!? Someone left a giant pile of bills in here!!... Should I just send them back??

I don't think that's how it works...

Charlie: GASP, it's her!! ... Can I get a taxi!?

Charlie: Do you think she saw me??

StalkerDriverLady: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

Charlie: Woo-hoo!! Work is over!!

Wait, did you just let that lady out!?

Charlie: Yeah... Was that bad??

Lady: Pretty tree... Happy tree...

Charlie: I'm sure she's fine!

Lady: Treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Charlie: Hi Mara, I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner?? ... You do!? ... Great, I'll see you soon!!

Charlie: Oh my muffins, what do I do!?

I'd recommend changing clothes...

Mara: Thanks for inviting me over!! ... So what's for dinner??

Charlie: Dinner?? Oh... Yeah... Um... One second...

Charlie: Oh fudge, why did I invite her over for dinner!?

I dunno, but you're going to have to cook something...

Charlie: Okay... *deep breathes* ... I can do this, it's just pasta and cheese-

and is going to either make or break your possibly only chance at having true love... No pressure.

Charlie: I did it, and it's YELLOW!! WOO-HOO!!

Mara: Charlie?? What's going on??


So was it any good??

Charlie: It was awesome! And look, she's even doing the dishes!!

Um... Are you playing charades??

Charlie: No, we're discussing fine cuisine!

Okay... Now how about some flirting?? *hint hint*

Charlie: You know Mara... I really like your head band...


Mara: GASP!! Is that the time!? I have to go, I have work in the morning!!

Charlie: Oh, okay bye!!

Charlie: Wow, I think that went really well-


Charlie: Yeah??

She doesn't have a job...

Charlie: Oh...

And sadly that concludes chapter 1 of the Charming Family Legacy!!

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you all enjoyed; please feel free to drop me a comment either here or on The Sims forums!

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New chapters should be coming up regularly, I've been really busy putting a lot of effort into this story and I'm hoping to post every Friday!!

So thanks again, and buh-bye! x Kipper123