Sunday, 24 May 2015

Well Hello Again!

Cookie? Check. Hot-chocolate? Check. Laptop? Check...

Hello everyone, I'm back from the deep, dark depthes of exam hell and I'm ready to start writing again!! So I just wanted to make a quick update post to let you know what's going on...

I currently have two chapters written, but I want to get a few more done before I publish anything, so that I'm ahead of my schedule. Therefore, there won't be a chapter this week and instead I'll be doing my post for the Liebster Award (yes, yes I know I'm a little late to the party...) which I was very kindly awarded by dustlandfairytalesims  / hellohannah2!!

But I can confirm Chapter 9 will be up on the 5th June and there will be new chapters every Friday! Thanks for being patient and understanding, in the meantime I will be catching up with everyone else's stories as well ^.^

I hope everyone had a lovely April/May x

EDIT - Apologies I did not get my Liebster Awards up last week... But like I'm sure loads of you will understand I have a real life away from sims, and it can get a bit sucky at times... But that's the difference between reality and video games... You can't just start again. New chapter will be up tonight ^-^
