Friday, 27 March 2015

The Charming Family Legacy Gen.1 Ch.5

Hello, happy Friday and welcome to the Charming Family Legacy Gen.1 Ch.5!!

Last chapter we saw the first kiddies, Hunter and Lysander, make their way into the world, with a lot of screaming, smelly nappies and more screaming!! Mara is pregnant again and Charlie is still trying to get over the shock of fatherhood…

So let us commence the chapter!!

We begin today with the newly aged up twins, who clearly seem to be enjoying having teeth…

Hunter: Om-nom-nom-nom!!

Hello?? …. Anybody planning on feeding the children this morning!?

But first things first, it’s time to start potty training!!

Hunter: GASP!! … *holds up teddy in protection*

Mara: Good boy… Sit… Stay…

He’s not a dog Mara.

Hunter: *intense concentration face*

Hunter: (Whoa!! … Where did THAT come from!?)

Mara: Is it over? … Can I look!?


Charlie: What the fudge is that smell!?

The result of not putting your toddler on the potty…

Charlie: Um… Who’s that??

Clair Ursine, who appears to have suffered a tragic incident with the games clothing randomiser…

Mara: Whew!! That potty training was hard work!!

And now you can empty it

Mara: What!? … You mean it doesn’t flush!?

Charlie: Oh my muffins, I’m famous!!

You’re what??

Charlie: Clair is a celebrity and I befriended her!! How awesome is that!?

Great… I wonder how long we have before the stalker paparazzi arrive…

Charlie: Tea time Hunter!!

Hunter: Um… Dirt??

Probably, but I suppose dirt is a step up from green milk!

Charlie: Hello?? Future child??... Peek-a-boo!!

You know it can’t see you right??

Mara: Ehehehehehehehehehehe…

Hunter: (Should I be scared?!)

Mara: Come on Hunter… Nice and slowly…

Hunter: Mummy??


Hunter: GASP!!

Wait for it…


Mara: Oh I love motherhood…

Should I just call the social workers now!?

Mara: Oh relax, it’s not my fault toddlers generate unlimited candy!!

Hunter: Y-y-y-yoo stole mwy lolly pop!?

Mara: Yes sweetie, life’s hard, good night!

Oops… Looks like they forgot to feed Lysander…

Lysander: Om-nom-nom!!

Hmm… He seems happy enough, so he can wait until morning…

Mara: Holy plumbob what died in here!?

Nothing. That’s just the smell of toddlers in the morning!!

Mara: CHARLIE!! You’re on diaper duty!!

Charlie: *cough choke cough* … What!?

Mara says it’s your turn to… Hang on, who said you could have cake for breakfast!?

Charlie: But all the other food was… Um… We don’t have any other food!!

Post-lady: Take THAT bills!! You’re going on the FLOOR!!

Would someone please notify EA that all their NPC’s need anger management??

 Hunter: Mee want fooooood!!

Mara: Chill, I can only do one toddler at a time!!

Mara: Okay, so do you remember what I taught you yesterday??

Hunter: *Blank stare*

Mara: I swear these kids have the memory of a gold fish-

Mara: FUDGE!! The baby is coming!! Where’s Charlie!?

Dunno, at work!?

Mara: Well what the plumbob is he doing at work while I’m GIVING BIRTH!?

Never mind, are you going to the hospital or not??

Lysander: I can see the head!!


Mara: ROAD RAGE!! Woman in labour COMING THROUGH!!

Charlie: Oh hi Mara, I just finished work-


Pregnancy… It brings out a woman’s true character…

On the plus side, Mara decided to give birth during the day this time, which is much more convenient for everyone else’s sleeping schedule… Then after a few more hours… Mara had…

Another boy, meet Caleb!!

Name: Caleb Charming
Traits: Excitable, artistic
Favourites: Kids, stir-fry, Irish green
Star sign: Cancer

Mara: Mwahahahaha, another minion!! … Um, I mean child…

Charlie: Okay… Deep breaths… It’s only one more…

Wow, it looks like the baby sitter did a great job watching the twins…

Babysitter: Wait, there are children in the house!?

… You’re fired.

Babysitter: How was I supposed to know about the toddlers!?

I would have thought being the “babysitter” was a bit of a clue…

Mara: Why is he already crying!? I didn’t do anything!!


What??... Mara!?

Mara: Mwahahaha, now he has a reason to cry!!

*head desk*

Mara: Eeew, does his nappy need changing!?

No that just you… You forgot to shower before going into labour

Mara: Well I was a bit preoccupied!!

Charlie: Left foot, right foot… Good boy Hunter!!

Hunter: (How the muffins am I supposed to remember this!?)

Hunter: (Um… Hello!? How do you expect me to get down from up here!?)

Charlie: Now come to Daddy!!

Hunter: Daaaa-aaddy!!

Oh behold the cuteness!!

Charlie: Well done, now do it again

Hunter: (Whaa?? Why do you keep putting me back where I started?!)

Hunter: Meee wan fooood!!

Charlie: Aww, I love you too son… This parenting is a piece of cake!!... mmm… cake…

Mara: Come on Lysander, let’s show Daddy who’s the better parent…

Mara: Come to Mummy!! … Lysander??

Lysander: No.

Mara: Why won’t my children OBEY ME!?

Maybe you should stop stealing their candy!!

Aww, nothing says well done like a big bowl of mush for dinner…

Mara: Finally!! He follows my commands!!

Great, now how about feeding him!?

Charlie: *intense staring*

… Are you two having a moment??

Charlie: Why do all babies look identical??

Oh thank the fudge… For a minute I thought you wanted to know where they came from…

Charlie: I’m coming Caleb!!... As soon as I get my hand out of the wall!!

Glitches will be the death of this family…

Mara: Oh plumbob…

Mara: Blah-ack-ugh-ah…

Morning sickness already!? You only came home with a new baby yesterday

Mara: Good morning Lysander!!

Hunter: MUMMY!?

Hmm, looks like Mara has a favourite…

Hunter: RAAAAAGE!!... Just kidding!! … *giggles*

This is the result of having a sim with the good trait and an evil mother o.e

Charlie: I’m off to work, saving lives!!

Um… I thought you were a bed pan cleaner??

Charlie: Saving lives!! One day at a time!!

And that’s all for this chapter!!

Sorry for the rather sudden ending, but it seemed that it was getting rather long… I hope you enjoyed a bit of toddler madness, but with Caleb joining the household and Mara’s morning sickness… I think this is just the beginning!!

Thanks for reading and please feel free to leave a comment here or on forums!