Hello and welcome back to the Charming Family Legacy
Gen.1 Chapter 3!!
So just a quick recap for anyone who hasn't read the first
two chapters: we have begun the legacy with our new founder Charlie Charming,
who last time got married to Mara and moved in together which resulted in some…
interesting situations… with fire engines…
Anyways, let’s begin and I hope you all enjoy!!
Mara: NOOO!! Dirty dishes!!
Honestly, I can’t leave them for five minutes…
Mara: And now there’s a puddle!?... Why is there a
Okaaaaaaay… Well you’re clearly not in a good mood, so
let’s go find Charlie…
Charlie, your lovely wife is breaking the kitchen!!
Charlie: Again!?
Charlie: Stupid plumbing…
Why not try turning it off first??
Mara: Buh-bye everyone, I’m going to find a job!!
Whoa, and where exactly are you going job hunting??
Mara: Nowhere…
Oh muffins… The criminal career??
Mara: What!? They pay good!!
Just don’t come crying to me when you land in jail.
Mara: Ok, time to get training…
Um… No, I don’t think that’s how the treadmill works-
Mara: I know what I’m doing!!
Charlie: Woo-hoo!! The sink is fixed!!
Great!!... She broke the TV as well…
Charlie: Seriously!?
….. And the toilet
Charlie: NOOOOO!!
STOP!! What are you making??
Charlie: A salad??
Oh… Carry on…
Charlie: Tah-dah!! Food and it’s not burnt!!
Congratulations, you didn't set fire to your salad…
Mara: So what did you do today honey??
Charlie: Fixed everything in the house that you broke…
What about you??
Mara: I got a job as a criminal
Charlie: Oh, cool…
Charlie: Wait, you did WHAT!?
Um, Mara?? … What are you doing-
Mara: Wait for it!! … It’s nearly here …
Mara: Oh my muffins I’m pregnant!!... I hope its evil!!
Mara: Charlie I’m pregnant!!
Charlie: GASP!! I go to the loo for two minutes and you
get pregnant?!
Um, actually it happened yesterday while you two were…
Never mind…
Charlie: Hello, anybody in there??
Looks like we need some pregnancy books…
What?? … You can stop vomiting now; we know you’re
Mara: Tell that to my stomach!!
Charlie: Breakfast is ready!!
On second thought, maybe it wasn't morning sickness…
Hmm… Sexy dress
Mara: *grumble grumble grumble*
So later in the day, I sent Mara to the hospital for a
medical check-up!
Charlie, I got you a present!!
Anyways, I decided it was time for another date night,
since Mara’s craziness was starting to take a toll on their romantic
Mara: GASP!! Someone sent us a wedding present!?
How is that possible?? Nobody in this town even knows
Dr: Would you like to know the gender, Mrs Charming??
Mara: I don’t care about the gender, will it be evil?! …
Yes or no!?
Dr: Um… Possibly??
Mara: MWAHAHAHAHAHA, I knew it!!
Charlie: GASP!!
What’s wrong!?
Charlie: Oh nothing, I just remembered I need to go to
the bathroom…
Mara: Grrrrrrr… Stupid doctors…
I think you need some relaxation… How about the spa??
Mara: HEY YOU!!
Or you could just yell at random strangers...
RandomSim: Excuse me??
Mara: Are you trying to be OFFENSIVE!?
Good to see you’re handling the pregnancy hormones well…
Charlie: Really?! What is it?!
A pregnancy book!!
Charlie: Wait, I’m pregnant?!
No… Remember your wife?? Mara??
Charlie: Oh yeah!! … That makes a lot more sense!!
Mara: Hello, I’m back from the doctors!!
Charlie: Holy fudge, it says here that you have to
actually CHANGE the diapers!?

Charlie: Do I have to sit with her!?
Hamburgers?? … You’re paying $150 for hamburgers!?
Charlie: It was the only dish on the menu without knives
and forks…
Hmm… Pregnancy hormones + knives… Yeah, good choice.
Mara: HEY!! Were you looking at my husband?!
On second thoughts… Maybe bringing Mara out in public was
a bad idea
Charlie: GASP!! Is that cake on fire!?
Calm down, it’s just baked angel food cake-
Charlie: Oh my muffins, oh my muffins, oh my muffins…
I take it back, bringing both of them out in public was a
bad idea
Charlie: Mara, we need to go, I think the restaurants on
Mara: I’m not finished with this one yet!!
Well… I think this picture speaks for its self! No more
public dates for you two…
Charlie: Voice?? … What is THAT??
Charlie: The giant white box!?
Oh, I got you a washing machine!!
Charlie: Whaa, why!?
To wash your clothes… Duh…
Charlie: So I have to do laundry now!?
Charlie: Eew, the clothes are all soggy!!
That’s kind of the idea.
Charlie: This is sim labour!!
Trust me, you’re fine, but next time you might want to
put some clothes on…
Charlie: Holy fudge, I made waffles and they’re not black!!
Ladies and gentlemen, do I believe this is the first
serving of edible food of the legacy!?
Charlie: Mara?? Can I play with my telescope now??
Mara: Ssssshh!! … I’m on a top secret evil spy mission!!
Um… I’m pretty sure she can see you…
Judy: Hey neighbours!! What lovely weather we have
*bathroom sink breaks… again*
Mara: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!
LOL grumpy fish face…
Whoa!! .. You’re making mac and cheese??
Charlie: Did you see my waffles this morning!? They were
Yes, well done, but are you aware how many sims I’ve lost
to mac and cheese!?
Charlie: Oh my muffins, what do I do!?
Hello!? … Keep cooking!!
Charlie: GASP!! My mac and cheese!!
Mara: You’re cooking dinner while I’M IN LABOUR!?
Charlie: One minute sweetheart!!
Charlie: I did it, I made mac and cheese!!
Charlie: Shouldn’t I be driving??
Mara: Do I look like I’m in the mood to argue!?
So after a rather hectic rush to the hospital, Mara
continued to scream at Charlie until finally, they walked out with…
You’ll find out next chapter!!
I wasn’t intending to leave on a cliff hanger but you
know when you’re just about to quit the game, then all hell breaks loose and
you’re not allowed to save?? … Yeah that happened… Then I thought, eh why not??
Gives you all something to look forward too!!
Thanks for reading and please feel free to leave a
comment here or on my forums page on the Sims forums
Buh-bye! x
These two are so completely opposite of each other. Mara breaks everything and Charlie fixes everything lol. It's going to be a roller coaster ride for these two. Date night didn't go over very well. Lol. Can't wait to see if the baby is a girl or boy!
ReplyDeleteYeh they're an interesting pair! ... No more public dates from them! Thanks for reading :D
Cliffhangers... Fun, fun, fun :]
ReplyDeleteBut congrats on Mara's baby... :) And congrats to the first edible dish they made ^_^
And as far as the dish things goes...OMG that's just like me lol I absolutely can't stand leaving a dish dirty after I eat out of it...Even a pot of pan after I cook with it...I must wash it. But I guess that's a good habit...It's better than the contrary.
"I got a job as a criminal"
"Oh, cool…" That's an amazing conversation to have with your husband/wife at the dinner table LMAO xD
Iqbal is hilarious with his unibrow...Poor guy lol. He needs to get those things waxed an shaped up...His eyebrows are not on fleek lmao :P
Mara's little sassy attitude is quite entertaining though, especially when they went out to eat...She's like a Mrs. Crumplebottom 2.0 back in The Sims 2 days.
Thank you! Yes I'll admit I can be a bit OCD about dishes too... and Mara's definitely got a bold personality, I think her and Crumplebottom would make good friends ;) I'm glad you liked the chapter! x
"Charlie: Wait, I’m pregnant?!" HAHAHAHA. Charlie, what are we going to do with you? LOL. This chapter was funny as usual. Never let those two out in public again, at least together, I feel like the town would implode or something xD I hope that the child isn't evil!
ReplyDeleteWe better hope for Sunset Valley's sake, that this child is not evil! I may be posting a spoiler early next week of the gender ;) Thank you for reading!
LOL, Even if those weren't Mara's pregnancy hormones, I greatly enjoyed hearing what she was yelling at random strangers about. XD It's insane how many things break when you first start playing. LOL. It's like the game is trying to drive your Sims crazy before they even start living. XD
ReplyDeleteOoOoo you know what would be even more awesome, is if the baby was insane... and Mara's evil, so they would be insane and evil living with a coward. ROFL. Ooh she got a job as a drug dealer, I mean criminal, ehh, same difference, LOL I just spiced up the potential job title for the comment. XD Teehee.
Honestly if it's breakable: Mara has broken it! Who knows what she's getting up to in the criminal career... Probably creating a virus to destroy my computer lol, I already have enough game glitches! I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter :D
Haha! Brilliant! Looks like Mara is on a path of destruction - she sure has a knack for breaking EVERYTHING in the house, haha. I loled when she was talking to that poor random dude about his eyebrows, poor guy is just out to have a nice time and he gets verbally attacked by a crazy pregnant lady! (Gotta laugh at how ugly townies can be sometimes though - the game never ceases to amaze me with the sheer level of unattractiveness it can generate)
ReplyDeleteProps to Charlie for not burning the waffles, he's finally learned how to adult. I mean, almost... "It was the only dish on the menu without knives and forks…" *facepalm*
Can't wait to see who their little baby looks like, adn I wonder will it be evil just like Mara wanted. not THAT would make things very interesting :O
great chapter girl! Can't wait for the next )
Haha yes I'm looking forward to their first baby!! I generally let the randomiser pick the traits so we'll just have to see what it comes up with ;) Thanks for the comment and I'm glad you liked the chapter!
Lol I loved this chapter! I cant wait to see if the baby is a boy or a girl! This whole legacy cracks me up. Love it!!
Aw thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D
"Oh my muffins I’m pregnant!!... I hope its evil!!" LOL omg. I love that. Too funny. These two and their antics. So hectic and so entertaining.
ReplyDeleteOh my muffins! Loving this legacy so far!
ReplyDeleteAnd of course - "possibly" is as good as "yes".