Friday, 3 April 2015

The Charming Family Legacy Gen.1 Ch.6

Hello, I hope you’ve all had a lovely week!!

Welcome to The Charming Family Legacy Gen.1 Ch.6 and prepare for some more toddler madness, evil mothering and perhaps more kiddies on the way??

So let’s begin!

Mara: Ugh… This toilet is disgusting!!

Maybe if you’d stop having morning sickness at like 5 o’clock in the afternoon we wouldn’t have that problem

Mara: Where’s Charlie!? The sink won’t work and I’m pretty sure the toilet monster is back!!

Toilet: *gurgle gurrr*

Looks like the neighbours get to watch Mara leaving something on the front lawn again…

Mara: There is NO way I’m being sick in that filthy toilet! Do you have any idea how unhygienic that is?!

Charlie: Woo!! I got promoted to paramedic!!

Wait, does that involve drugs!?... They trust YOU with drugs!?

Mara: Good boy Hunter… Come to Mummy!!

Hunter: (Is she trying to steal my candy again!?)

Mara: Well done!! There’s nothing to worry about-


Hunter: Whaa!?

This kid is going to develop some deep trust issues…

 Charlie: GASP!! … What is THAT!?

You mean the baby stroller??

Charlie: It strolls over babies!?

I decided it was about time I installed the Generations expansion pack on my new computer, however Charlie seems to be having trouble… Adjusting…

Charlie: Can it see me!?

 It wasn’t too long before I managed to convince Charlie to go for a walk

Lysander: I CAN SEE A BUSH!!

Can you tell the toddlers have never left the house before??

 Mara: This is boring.

Hunter: LAMPOST!!

 Charlie: Wow, this thing is so fun!!

Lysander: Zzz… Zzz… Zzz…

 Charlie: WOO-HOO!!

Mara: Ehehehehehehehe… Anyone got any candy??

 Mara: Stay there Hunter, be a good boy while I go steal… I mean play!!

 Charlie: Yippee!! I’m playing hopscotch!!

Wait… Where’s Lysander!?

 Lysander: Mummy??

Mara: …. That’s not one of mine is it??

*head desk*

 Later that night after all toddlers and adults had returned safely… Hunter was potty trained!!

Mara: YES!! Oh I’m so happy I don’t even care about the giant pee puddle-

Mara: GASP!! I’m pregnant again!!

Charlie: Whoa, did someone say pregnant?!

Mara: Would it kill anyone to give me a less disgusting dress??

Charlie: More… Babies… More… Diapers… *faints*



Hunter: *sticks finger up nose and eats boogie* … Haha num-num dada!!

Meh, I’m sure he’s fine…

Mara: Bed time children!!

Crazy eyes much!? Are you trying to give them nightmares!?

Charlie: NOOOOOOOO!! Someone broke the sink!!

Oh keep up Charlie, that happened this morning…

After dark and late at night… The house seemed quiet… Too quiet…

*cough cough* … I said, the house seemed TOO quiet…


Mara: Zzz… What??... Why don’t you ever scream Daddy!?


Finally Caleb has decided to DO something!!... I swear he’s just been smiling at the ceiling since yesterday…

Charlie: GASP!!

What?? Did you realise you forgot to get dressed??

Charlie: I potty trained Lysander!! … Can I throw out the potty now!?

Ha!! … You wish.

Eeww, why is the shower black!?

Charlie: The toilet monster is taking over the bathroom!!

Charlie: Ugh, why doesn’t any of this stuff ever work!?

Maybe you should try CLEANING it.

Charlie: TOILET RAGE!!

And they say we didn’t have emotions in the Sims 3…

Mara: Hello!? How am I supposed to watch TV with you in the way!?

Oh yes, because watching TV is much more important than teaching your child to walk??

Mara: Exactly!! … You heard the voice, move!!

Charlie: Good boy Hunter, walk to Daddy

Mara: Stop showing off!!

Nothing like some healthy competitive parenting…

Um, Charlie?? What are you doing??

Charlie: Well because we’re nearly broke… I’m going adventuring!!

And where exactly are you going??


Charlie: GASP!! A shiny rock!!

No… That’s iron and it sells for about the same price as a potato…

Mara: I need to pee but the toilet’s dirty!!

Then why don’t you clean it so-

Mara: But I need to PEE NOW!!

Anyways… After some adventuring and much toilet dilemma… It was time for Caleb’s birthday!!

Charlie: WOO!! Go Caleb!!

Mara: Can I eat the cake and leave yet??

And here he is looking adorable!! He got his Mum’s hair and Dad’s eyes <3

I mean seriously, this kid is so sweet he even makes decapitating his teddy look cute… Clearly Mara has had to much influence on him

Charlie: Look Caleb, now you can eat big boy food!

Caleb: (Are you aware this is dirt??)


Oh plumbob…

Charlie: Um… Didn’t I just give him a bowl of food??

Caleb: *evil glare*

Charlie: Say drink??... Hunter??... Drink??

Hunter: *blank stare*

Charlie: Ugh, this isn’t working… I need some cake-

Hunter: GASP!! Me wan cake!!

Charlie: He can talk!! Hunter, say clown??

Hunter: (Can I leave now??)

Mara: Oh muffins… Charlie??

Charlie: GASP!!... Is it coming!?

Mara: No, I think I’m okay-


Charlie: Holy plumbob, what do I do!?



Charlie: I’m going as quickly as I can!!

Mara: Then let me drive-

Charlie: NO!!

So here we are again… At the hospital, Charlie crying, Mara screaming… I’m pretty sure there’s a baby sitter at home looking after the toddlers… I think… Anyways, it was a long labour and Mara walked out with:

A basket…

Mara: Come on Charlie, time to go!!

Charlie: Wait, are you going to explain why you have a BASKET!?

So can you guess what Mara had?? … Well here’s a little hint: I will be posting THREE spoilers this week!! They’ll either be here on blogger or the forums page.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!! Please feel free to leave a comment here or on forums. Like usual the next chapter will be up next Friday and I’m thinking this Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday for the spoilers??

Thank you for reading and I hope you all have a lovely week xoxo



  1. Congrats on Charlie's promotion and Hunter getting potty trained AND triplets? :)

    Lysander looked so cute in the stroller lol. I love those animations.

    Charlie's face when he was playing hopscotch...Lol, he looks so giddy.

    That glitch... Lol I hate when my game does that to the kids but most of the time it's a cc issue. I've never really had it happen when I played a vanilla game. But then again, I barely play a vanilla game...

    "Why don’t you ever scream Daddy!?" Lol Mara is such an interesting mother.

    Caleb is such a cutie, he really stands out from Hunter and Lysander as far as his hair color goes :)

    Hilarious update, as always. ^_^

    1. If I had a penny for every time my game glitched I'd be a millionaire!! But yes I had definately noticed an increase since I've started using cc in my game again lol. I love Caleb too, however, I have no idea how they are going to cope with more kiddies o.O

      Thanks for the lovely comment!!

  2. Well done, Charlie! Although I would most certainly not trust him with drugs :D

    Evil mom's funny, stealing candy from the toddlers...

  3. Mara's a fun character... Slightly messed up, but fun all the same! Who knows who gave Charlie a promotion to paramedic, he can hardly keep himself alive lol xP


  4. Yes im all caught up! Love it! The babies are so cute! cant wait for the next chapter

  5. Hehe thank you!! Mara may be evil but she's making some lovely kids <3


  6. Oh no a basket is never a good thing to come with after having a baby. LOL They will never be able to handle that many kids at once.
    The twins were cute in their baby stroller even if the parents were less than excited. Loved Charlies reaction to "it strolls over babies?" LOL I don't think I've ever had a Sim afraid of a baby stroller before.
    Caleb is a adorable with his blond hair. He may even be cuter than is older brothers.
    Can't wait to see if the next basket of babies has a girl in it. :)

    1. Charlie is scared of everything: baby strollers, kids, his wife, etc... he was refusing to go near the fridge the other day lol... Caleb is my favourite, I'm a sucker for his gorgeous blond curls!! He seems to be a bit of a Daddy's boy so I don't know how he'll feel about the new basket of babies >_<" Thanks for the comment!


  7. Oh my muffins. A basket. Like they *need* more kids. Who am I kidding? They totally do. Their kids are so cute! The picture on the way to the hospital is striking and the dialogue is great. I never do much with my Generations EP, so I'm glad to see that you're using/enjoying it! (Well, Lysander, not so much.)
    I almost can't wait until Friday. :)

    1. I know I right, the more the merrier!!... Until I run out of money lol... I love Generations because it gives kids so much more to do! I can see Lysander being quite the prankster ^.~ Thank you for reading!!


  8. Aw, Caleb is too cute! haha Your sims amuse me to no end. A basket? Triplets? Oh dear. Do either of them have the fertility treatment? I can never have multiple births in my games without cheating so am so fascinated when it happens to other simmers. And a lot. Very funny update. Looking forward to the next one. :)

  9. I may have given Mara the fertility treatment ^.~ I was hoping for twins... oops... Too late to take them back now!! I'm happy you like Caleb and that you enjoy reading about my little sims, thanks for the lovely comment!!


  10. Ahh a basket... Hehe... that can only mean more diapers that Charlie didn't want to change. LOL.

  11. Mara is always making some kind of face lol. Maybe Charlie should invest in a repair man. Better yet, learn the handiness skill and upgrade everything to unbreakable lol. A basket!? *GASP* Could there be treats to bring to grandmother's house? Que winky face lol I hope it's a girl this time, to balance it out a bit.
