Friday 17 April 2015

The Charming Family Legacy Gen.1 Ch.8

Howdy-doodley simmers, happy Friday and welcome to Ch.8 of the Charming Family Legacy!!

In store this chapter we have children, toddlers, more toddlers, evil and a… bear?? Umm… I guess you’ll just have to read and find out what that’s all about!

And without further ado, here’s the chapter!


So we begin the day with Mara destroying the bathroom… Again…

Hunter: Wow, school was so fun!! And now we get to do homework!!

Lysander: Whoa, what?! …They give us more work?!

Umm… Random girl sitting in front of the house??

Christen: Oh don’t mind me, I followed Hunter home after school and thought I’d sit outside his house like a stalker and do some homework!

Okay… Carry on…

Hunter: I could help you with your homework if you like, Lysander??

Lysander: Stupid… *grumble*… Homework… *grumble*… Child abuse…

Charlie: Hey son, do you need any help with your-


Charlie: Oh, um… Okay…

Lysander: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Lol I’d go hide in under a rock if I were you.

Turns out it was Christen Ursine who came home with one of the twins after school, but it was probably Lysander since she was left outside, alone and bored…

Hunter: Hello, who are you??

Paparazzi: I’m the reporter who stands your house all night-

Hang on… Didn’t I delete you last chapter!?

Hunter: Well there’s nothing interesting going on around here… Haha…

Mara: CHARLIE!! The toilet monster has MOVED INTO THE SINK!!

Hunter: Um, Christen… I just wanted to say… I like your hair and-

Hello?? … Stalk much??

Paparazzi: Oh! Were you two having a moment??

*head desk*

Charlie: Hello stalker lady, hello ginger kid-

Charlie: Wait… ANOTHER KID!? Didn’t we agree six was enough!?

Don’t worry she’s not your-


Hunter: Wow, is he okay??

Lysander: I’m sure it’s nothing… Should we order pizza??

Charlie: Holy cookies… Calm down… They’re just kids…

For plumbob’s sake, she’s not your kid!!

Charlie: Really?? You promise??... Maybe if I stay here in here…

Charlie: GASP!! … Oh my muffins, oh my muffins, OH MY MUFFINS!!

Dog: Woof??

Oh and by the way I decided to get you a-

Charlie: BEAR!?

Dog: (Person!?)


Dog: (Master!!)

Charlie!? Calm down!!

Lysander: When did we get a dog??

Not now Lysander, I’m a bit busy…

Dog: (Hug meeeee!!)

Charlie: P-p-please don’t eat me!!

Charlie!! Relax, he’s just a dog…

Charlie: A… what??

Dog: WOOF!!

Charlie: WHAA!? … *faints*

Moving on… Let me introduce this cutie!!

Name: Oreo Charming
Traits: Hyper, noisy, clueless

I finally installed Pets back on my computer and made this big guy straight away! I can just tell he’ll fit right in <3

Oreo: *Sniffs* … (Why is this one so small??)

Caleb: Bear huggies!!

Oreo: (Whoa it talks too!?... Will it give me food??)

Oreo: (GASP!! … What do I do with it??)

Oreo: *leaps over ball and face-plants ground* … Woof!?

I’m officially in love!

Oh Charlie…

Charlie: Wait, is there someone in the-

Lysander: Dad, GET OUT!!

Charlie: Maybe if I cover my eyes he won’t see me…

Lysander: DAD!?

Mara!? That was a brand new toilet…


After exploring around outside, Oreo decided to investigate the house…

Oreo: Woof?? … (Can I eat it??... Or will it eat me??)

Casual screaming at a wall… Nothing to see here…

Oreo: (GASP!! Another person!!)

Mara: What?? The bear is still here??

Oreo: *smells evil trait* … Grrrrrrrrr

Mara: Whaa, why doesn’t it like me!? … I command you to sit down!!


Oreo: Um… woof??

Mara: What’s it doing now??

Mara!! Move out of the way-

Mara: What the... WHY IS MY LEG WET!?

Run Oreo. Run fast.

Anyways, today is the triplet’s birthday!!

Charlie: CAKE!!

Are you kidding me!?

Charlie: Birthday party!!

Mara: Can I just eat the cake now??


Charlie: GASP!! The cake!! Someone save the cake!!

Charlie: RUN AWAY!!

No!! Save the children before-

Charlie: *faints*

Fine… You take a nap while I go and fix this…

Mara: Hello!?... It’s Mara Charming… My cake randomly burst into flames!!... No I promise I’m serious this time!!... Well are you coming or not?!

Lysander: Holy fudge!! … You were having birthday cake while I was at school?!


It’s about time you showed up!!

Fire-fighter: Sorry, the Starbucks queue took forever…

Mara, why aren’t you doing anything!?

Mara: Can’t you see I’m busy holding a baby!?

These guys are terrible at parking… Would it kill them to send more than one fire-fighter per truck??

Looks like this day has been too much for Mara… Let’s try this again…

Firstly here is the eldest triplet, Darrel, who got his Daddy’s features <3

Next is Gen.2’s only baby girl (thank the plumbob gods I didn’t get all boys!) Who got Charlie’s hair and Mara’s eyes

And lastly we have Anthony who mysteriously got black hair?? … He appears to be the odd one out in the family, but it goes nicely with his loner trait <3

That’s all for this chapter!!... I have no idea how long it is, so sorry if it’s a bit short but I’ve had a rather hectic week and wanted to make sure I got something posted!

A LOT happened in a very short space of time (I took me like the entire day to age up the triplets…) but hey, that’s the beauty of sims, the unexpected ^.^

Hope you enjoyed and please feel free to leave a comment below or on forums, thanks for reading!!


  1. Okay. You had to get like, *the biggest* dog the game had to offer. I was going for the smallest cat. Guess who's smarter? (Hint: You.) But your graphics are so good! Oreo looks amazing and the CAS pics are great too.
    Speaking of CAS pics.... THE TODDLERS ARE THE CUTEST THINGS EVER!!!!! I think that it's going to be a very difficult choice when the heir poll swings around. Though I can imagine that Robyn will have a leg up just because she is the only girl.
    But good job with the gene choice. *thumbs up*
    Fantastic as always! Swim.

    1. I have most of my graphics set to max so Oreo looks extra adorable <3 I haven't a clue who will win the heir poll... They've all got strong characters, even the triplets are starting to get their personalities ^.^ Thanks for reading!


  2. Awww Oreo is so cute, Charlie's reaction to seeing him was pretty funny though... I used to be afraid of dogs when I was younger haha. I still kind of am, only big ones though because I'm so short and frail I feel like they'll pounce on me and I hate having dogs jump on me. :( My uncle has huge dogs and I hate going to his house because they jump on me and I feel like I'm gonna fall down :S -_-

    Lol @ Hunter and Lysander's reaction to school.

    The twins are all such cuties, it's such a shame they're birthday ended up in flames lol. How did the cake light on fire?!? That was crazy and chaotic hahah, your sims remind me of my own sims legacy family...Chaos on top of chaos but so much fun hahaha :P

    Wonderful chapter, as always :)

  3. The worst Oreo could do is lick someone to death lol he's such a softie <3 You are very lucky you've never had a cake on fire, trust me when I say it's incredibly annoying!! There is always a small chance with any birthday that the cake will randomly burst into flames... It just tends to happen to me a lot >.<"

    Thanks for the comment!!


  4. I was wondering where you got a bear. Now I know it was just Charlie being afraid of a rather large but friendly dog! Why am I not surprised?
    Lysander and Hunter are too cute!
    The triplets grew into adorable toddlers. I've had more than my share of birthday cake fires. I've even had the fires end with Grimm coming for a visit. :( So it could be tons worse.
    Great chapter as always!

    1. I'm glad you like the kiddies!! The fire was rather annoying considering I was trying to age up three babies at once... Luckily they all managed to avoid buring to death despite Charlie passing out and Mara deciding to freeze holding Robyn!! It's a mirical I've made it to chapter eight with out a visit from Mr Grimm lol...

      Thanks for reading!


  5. Ugh birthday cake fires -__- how annoying for you. LOL.
    I would just put a small fence around the paparazzi person and then she can't bug you anymore. LOL. Except maybe whine about path errors. I always lock my gates and front doors to just my household, and paparazzi constantly whine that they can't open the door. The delete option that you did before is also awesome of course. >:D

    1. Thanks for all the comments on my last few chapters! Good idea fencing in the reporters... she could be another family pet! Oreo gets a little lonely sometimes ^.~ Deleting them is probably the most humane way to handle them, but they keep regenerating!! Haha thanks for reading!


  6. HAHAHA Only this household would have a fire from a birthday cake! Oreo is so fluffy, i wish he was real so I could hug him! There's always that one kid with the random hair color...I had one of them in my legacy and he ruined the pink hair color that the family had going on LOL Anyway, funny chapter :p

    1. Thanks for all the lovely comments! Glad you're enjoying the chapter and yeh... six kids how did that happen? xP No turning back now!! So I thought, 'eh, why not get a dog as well?!' ... I'm officially in love with him <3

  7. This chapter was too adorable, Oreo is my new favourite character... as well as Charlie and Lysander and Hunter!
    I laughed too hard at Charlie's reaction to seeing Christen (straight away I knew she was the Ursine girl - its the hair and features!) and then to seeing Oreo. Everything to do with Oreo, I laughed at, pretty much!
    Hunter and Christen should date ;) only this family would have this much drama in one day! Love it!

    1. Aw thank you! I'm glad you like Oreo, he loves you too! There may be some future plans for little Hunter and miss Ursine... He seems to have taken quite a liking to her, but I think girls are still quite a way away in his future at the moment ;) New chapter will be up tonight and I hope you enjoy! Thanks again for the lovely comment :)

