Monday 20 April 2015

Unfortunate Update

Hi everyone, I just wanted to announce over the next few weeks I have some pretty important exams coming up and I have decided to take a short break from writing chapters...

I'll probably be gone for about 4 weeks, but I'll try and pop back to answer comments and chit chat on forums when I get time ^.^ Thank you all so much for the love and support for my legacy, it means a lot!!

After eight chapter this blog current has nearly 1500 views... What!?... Clearly you enjoy watching this train wreck of a family, so again thank you everyone who has read the chapters (or just skimmed over the pictures... I won't judge you lol) I will hopefully get some time to play and post spoilers over the next month... Maybe...

So unless I see you around forums, I'll see you in 4-ish weeks! Buh-bye x


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