Friday, 12 June 2015

The Charming Family Legacy Gen.1 Ch.10

Welcome everyone to the Charming Family Legacy Gen.1 Ch.10! Yay I guess you could count this as our first milestone, ten chapters!!

*imaginary round of applause*

Thank you, thank you… Anyways last chapter the house was attacks by zombies and horses, Charlie started a midlife crisis and Caleb aged up into an adorable kiddie!!

Now let’s continue…

Oreo: *death stare*

Hunter: He’s watching me again isn’t he??

Oreo: *Intense death stare*

Hunter: What is he doing??

Dunno, but it’s starting to creep me out…

Hunter: (Maybe if I ignore him he’ll go away…)

Oreo: … Woof??

Break out the violins people… I think Oreo is lonely…

Oreo: *whimper*


Charlie: Whaa!? Wolves!? Where!?

Okay we need to get him a lady friend.

Everyone meet Cookie!! … Get it?? Oreo Cookie?? … Never mind…

Name: Cookie Charming
Traits: Playful, neat and friendly

Oreo I have someone to show you!!

Charlie: GASP!! Another one!?

Cookie: (Master!!)

Charlie: G-g-g-g-go away, don’t eat me!!

Cookie: (Be my friend?!) … *tackles*

N’aaww isn’t she a cutie??

Okay… I’ve got nothing, this photo speaks for its self.

I got Caleb an easel for his birthday. Can’t you just see this kid’s incredible artistic potential?? … Right??

Caleb: I’m painting a portrait of Daddy!!

Let’s just call it abstract.

Charlie, why are you still wearing that thing??

Charlie: Because I’m cool and down with the kids and AWESOME…

Firstly no, secondly no and thirdly you’re middle aged… Get over yourself and let it go!!

Charlie: Oh you’re just jealous of my glowing youth!!

But at least Charlie’s not the only one acting like an idiot…

Mara: Hello?? This child’s head is stuck in my face!!

Oh glitches…

It was around midnight when I remembered Caleb needed a new bed… So I moved him in with the twins

Lysander: What!? Now I have to put up with two roommates!?

Lysander: Hang on… Did my bed just move??

Lysander: Hello?? … Is anyone there??

Demon: No. No monsters under here.

Lysander: Oh, okay…

Lysander: GASP!! … Oh my muffins what the-

Lysander: *faints*

Fail much… It’s kinda ironic he’s wearing Monsters Inc. pyjamas…

Caleb: Wow, I knew you were upset about sharing a room with me, but you don’t have to sleep on the floor!! … Lysander??

Caleb: Lysander!? … No!! He was too young!!

Oh chill, he’s just-

Caleb: WHY cruel world WHY!?

Behold triplet telepathy with synchronised nose picking… It’s both disgusting and adorable!!

So it looks like we’re having dessert for breakfast today?

Mara: What?? Having birthday cake is the best part of having kids!!

Lysander: Feeling the love Mum…

I decided to take the kids out to the park for the day, since there was no school… They just couldn’t contain their excitement…

Lysander: *grumble grumble grumble*

Hunter: GASP!! … Is that Christen from school?? What should I do!?

Lysander: Pin her down, then I’ll grab her football!!


Lysander: Wait… Eeeeeew!! Do you have a crush on her!?

Hunter: What!? N-n-no…

Lysander: Ugh, come on Caleb let’s go raid the snow cone machine…

Caleb: Yayy!! Snow cones!!

Hunter: Hi Christen… Um, I was just wondering if I could join you??

Christen: Sure, I need some practice in goal!

Hunter: Cool… Wait, what??

Christen: Go on, try and get past me!!

Hunter: But what if I hit you!?

Christen: Ahaha I’d like to see you try!!

Hunter: WHAT!? You so blocked that!!

Psst… That’s the point of the goal keeper…

Hunter: OH MY MUFFINS!! I scored, did you see that!?

She so let him have that…

Hunter: *happy dance*

I think someone beat Lysander to the snow cone machine…

Lysander: Excuse me, you have some ice cream on your-

Lysander: Just kidding!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!

Criminal: GASP!! Who raised this monster of a child!?

That would be Mara…

#Thuglife… I should throw one of these in every chapter

Whoa what happened to this poor random ladies face!?

And holy fudge she caught THAT in the park pond!? I’m pretty sure that thing could eat a toddler…

Caleb: *shaking* … Hehehehehehe… SUGAR!!

Hey, who left Caleb on his own!?

Anyways… After an entertaining day at the park, I sent the kids home to celebrate the twin’s birthday!! Hunter was happy, Caleb tried to steal all the attention by announcing his royal court and Lysander just stood around insulting the cake… Sometimes I pretend I raise normal sims…

And a few sparkles later, here is Hunter!! He gained the insane trait… He’ll fit right in with his paranoid Dad, evil Mum and devious twin…

Followed by the lovely Lysander who gained the computer whiz trait, so it looks like the kiddie baker oven was a waste of time… But hey, I’m just happy he’s finally developed and actual interest in something!

Zombie: Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains??

No, I’m pretty sure it’s vanilla… Hang on, wasn’t the full moon last night??

 Hunter: Blah-hello-blah!

Nice to see the insanity kicking in…

But the best part about teenagers is they can help with toddler duties!

Lysander: Whoa WHAT!?

And you get to enjoy all the perks of being a big brother!

Robyn: *giggles* … Me did an oopsie!

Lysander: No. No way. NO!!

Christen was also invited over to celebrate her birthday a little early!

Hunter: Fire… Oooooooooh…

I’m amazed at how she turned out, considering her parents are both townies. She had a quick makeover but didn’t require any cosmetic surgery <3

Hmm… I don’t think she likes you Lysander…

Lysander: *chokes from stuffing face with cake* … What, did you say something??

~(Apologies for the rubbish full moon lighting)~

Ugh… I installed the University EP and now this guy keeps appearing…

Mascot: Llama, llama spirit, llama, llama cheer!!

Charlie: Does anyone else see the WERE-LLAMA!?

Lysander: You mean the singing guy outside?? He’s been out there like all day…

Zombie: Llama?? Man?? Two brains?? No brains!?

Looks like the undead is having trouble processing the university mascot…

Lysander: Why do all girls smell weird??

That’s called perfume… or maybe deodorant??

Lysander: Deo-what?? … Now you’re just making words up…

Christen: *gazes longingly at Hunter*

Lysander: Girls are weird…

Lysander: *slurp guzzle slurp*

At least she’ll always be able to tell the twins apart!

Zombie dancing were-llama… Why not?

Hunter: Christen, I got you a birthday present…

Christen: GASP!! Aw Hunter you-

Lysander: BLAAAAH!!

Hunter: WHAA!?

*head desk*

Lysander: Where’s my birthday present bro??

Hunter: *hyperventilating*

Oh kids… You’ve got to love them right??

Anyways that concludes this chapter of the Charming’s!! Thanks very much for reading and I really hope you enjoyed, so please feel free to drop a comment below or on forums!

I hope you all have a lovely week and see you next Friday x


  1. The twins aged up handsome but still identical! I wuv them :3 and Caleb is just as cute as ever.
    Oreo will forever be my one and only... but now I want to see puppies. When you said "Okay we need to get him a lady friend" I thought you meant Charlie and I was like whoa... he's married... and has six kids... remember?! But then it was Oreo and I was like right, of course. Oreo Cookie <3
    Psst... now Hunter and Christen can date... if she doesn't mind his insanity of course!

    1. The twins are really coming along with their personalities, and don't worry I have plans for Hunter!! Lysander is proving a bit more difficult...

      I had planned for puppies but the stupid game won't let me have anymore pets so I'm going to have to break a few rules... Hopefully we'll be seeing Oreo and Cookie Jr.'s soon!!

      Thanks for reading :D


  2. Eep! They're back! With zombies (ZAMBIES) and horses and university mascots in tow!
    Wow. All of the kids are growing up and it's funny. Lysander and Hunter look very similar. And Charlie needs to get over himself. Though it provides a ton of entertainment for us.
    And lolol. The #thuglife is too funny. The first one made me die from laughter.
    And now Oreo has Cookie! The naming scheme is too cute.
    I hope to see the next chapter sooon!

    1. The family keeps getting madder the more expansion packs I add!! They've practically adopted a pet zombie...

      Hunter and Lysander are a nightmare because I can't tell them apart! It's a mirical I haven't lost one of them yet ":D Generally if they're pulling a grumpy face, then it's Lysander.

      I'm glad you like Cookie and thanks for the lovely comment! x

