Friday, 26 June 2015

The Charming Family Legacy Gen.1 Ch.12

Hello, sul-sul and welcome to another chapter of the Charming Family Legacy!!

In today’s update we have more grumpy teens, birthdays, weird hair and some bedroom re-arranging which isn’t to everyone’s taste…

Anyways, let’s begin!

Lady: Excuse me sir but this park is city property and you cannot spray-

Lysander: Are you seriously trying to argue with me while I’m holding a can of spray paint?! … Who do you think has the advantage here??

Lady: Oh!! Um… No sir… Sorry sir…

Lysander: Hahahahahaha idiot…

Aren’t you worried she’ll report you??

Lysander: No, why would you think that??

Just a hunch…

Lysander: *grumble grumble grumble*

Don’t say I didn’t warn you. 

Lysander: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn… Mum can we talk in the morning??

Mara: Lysander this is serious!!

Lysander: Whaa!? Mum for plumbob’s sake put some clothes on!!

Mara: You were CAUGHT by the police!? Surely I raised you better than this!!

Whoa, what about the fact that he was committing a CRIME!?

Lysander: But didn’t you just get released from jail like two hours ago!?

Mara: That is totally different; I make money in the criminal career!!

Lysander: Whoa, that’s not fair!!

Mara: Mwahahahahaha… You’re so grounded…

Lysander: What?! But how am I supposed to prank… I mean “help” Hunter at prom!?

This family is so beautifully messed up…

Darrell: MUMMY!! ME WAN FOOD!!

Robyn: (Jeez Darrell, I’m trying to sleep over here!!)

Anthony: Let me out!! MUMMY!!

Can you guess which triplet is my favourite??

Charlie: GASP!! Why is my hair blue!?


Lysander: I know NOTHING about any blue hair dye found in the shower!! …

 Charlie: Whew… It’s okay now!!

No. No its not… How long is this midlife crisis going to last!?

Umm… What are you doing??

Lysander: Sneaking to school… No one can ground me!!

Okaaaaaay… Have fun with that.

Anyways, teens and Charlie aside, today is the triplet’s birthday!!

Mara: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA… No more diapers!!

Darrell: Say whaa!?

Make a wish Darrell!

Darrell: Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!!

And here they are!! Firstly we have Darrell who gained the angler trait… Wait… Is it possible this kid might actually turn out SANE!?

Then we have the beautiful Robyn, our only girl of Gen.2!! She gained the never-nude trait, which is a bit random but I’m sure her father will be thankful for it when she gets older!!

And finally we have Anthony, who gained the hates-the-outdoors trait… At this rate he’s gonna end up living his life hiding in box…

Lysander: Ehehehehehehe… I snuck to school and no one noticed!!

Mara: BOYS!!

Lysander: N’aww fudge…


Hunter: Oh my muffins what did I do!?

Um… That’s the wrong twin…

Hunter: Mum it’s me, Hunter!!

Mara: And you’re BEYOND grounded for your entire life and no TV and no ice cream and no video games…

#Thuglife is back…

Lysander: Mwahahaha… I’m going to do my homework!!

Hunter: I’m so confused…

I think we all are…

Charlie?? Where do you think you’re going!?

Charlie: I just won a free vacation with Mara!! WOO!!

Patient-in-the-middle-of-heart-surgery: Hello?? … Doctor are you still there!?

Mara: So long suckers!!

Aren’t you forgetting something!?... Six somethings!?

Caleb: Have any of you seen Mum and Dad?? I’m hungry…

Please, when have they ever fed you??

Robyn: Did anyone else just see Mum and Dad take off in a taxi??

Yes, about that… They’ve decided to go on holiday, so Hunter? Lysander? You’re in charge…

Robyn: You’re joking right??

Don’t panic!! Everything will be-


*head desk*

Anyways, now that all the toddlers have aged up, it is time to move all the boys in together.

Robyn: GASP!! Does that mean I get my own room!?

Yes but before you go and-

Robyn: Oh my muffins…


Sorry… Charlie designed it for you…

Robyn: I think I’m gonna vomit…

Hunter: So when’s the party!?


Hunter: What, don’t you like my swim wear??

What is it with you lot and walking around in your underwear!?

Christen: Hunter!! Do you want to dance??

Is she blind or something?!

Lysander: This party sucks, where are all the guests!?

Um… You only know Christen…

Lysander: SOLO RAVING!!

Robyn: Ugh… I’m going to bed…

Christen: Hunter??

Hunter: *gulp*

Christen: Don’t you want me to hold your hand??

Hunter: No!! Wait, I mean yes, um…

Finally!! Took them long enough…

Lysander: Ugh… Weirdos…

Christen: Oh… I… Um… Wow…

Hunter: D-d-do you want to be my girlfriend? And my prom date??

Christen: Eeep!! Yes!!

Photo-bomb much?

And that concludes today’s chapter, thanks for reading!!

Sorry it was a little short but I’ve had a rather hectic week… I might have to change my schedule to uploading a new chapter every two weeks because it takes up a LOT of my time!! But I love writing and playing so I don’t want to have to stop!!

Please feel free to drop me a comment here or on forums, I love hearing your feedback. I hope you all having a lovely week! Bye x


  1. BUAHAHAHAHAHAHA. The whole fam is back! And they all have their own words and their own faces! (Except for Lysander and Hunter.) I totally forgot that Anthony existed. You were like, "only girl out of six children" and I was like, "Who is the sixth child??" But you know, six children is a bit much. That's why I only had five my second generation, totally skipping over the first where I had 12. ;)
    But in as much seriousness I can manage before laughing, I'm loving where this legacy is going. All the children are crazy unique and come heir vote, it's going to be so difficult to choose. Who can live up to Charlie and Mara yet forge their own path? I want to say Darrell because he's the most 'normal' (it's all relative) but he's also the most normal...
    Anyway, looking forward to the next chapter. And I'm sorry about Kipper. My own dog is getting up there in years and I can only catch a glimpse of what it must've felt like.

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