Friday, 5 June 2015

The Charming Family Legacy Gen.1 Ch.9

Hello and welcome to the Charming Family Legacy Gen.1 Ch.9!!

I’m officially BACK after taking a break to focus on exams and I cannot WAIT to start writing again, but thank you for being patient while I’ve been away, or if you’re new the my legacy, then I hope you enjoy!!

Hmm… Doesn’t the house look peaceful??..... CHARLIE WAKEY WAKEY!!

Charlie: Whaa!?

Time for work!!

Charlie: But it’s one o’clock in the morning!?

That’s just one of the perks of being a doctor… Get up!!

Charlie: Isn’t forcing me to go to work this early sim abuse??

Nope, it’s called life.

~2 hours later~

Now that wasn’t so hard was it??

Charlie: *Grumble grumble*

Looks like someone needs their beauty sleep…

Hunter: Lysander, it’s time for school!!

Lysander: Didn’t you hear? They cancelled school today…

Hunter: GASP!! Really!?

Lysander: No, now let me go back to… Zzz…Zzz…


Mara: Charlie!! Go feed the toddlers!! … Charlie??

Charlie: Zzz…Zzz…Zzz…

N’aawww, I think even Mara is falling for those big green eyes-

Oh… Maybe not…


Caleb: Whaa!?

Um, who left Oreo outside??

Charlie: I had to!! He watches me eat… It’s creepy…

He’s a dog Charlie…

Oreo: (Food??... Anyone??)

Whoa!! That better not be morning sickness!?

Mara: Don’t worry, I just had some of Charlie’s cooking for breakfast… *sprints to bathroom*

Oh my muffins, I think Caleb has some cuteness competition <3

Caleb!? … Sweetheart you don’t eat the stick … Does anyone feed this kid!?

So things at home are going pretty well, meanwhile, Hunter and Lysander are on a trip to the police station… Oh dear…

Teacher: Lysander!! Let your brother out of the jail cell right now!!

Lysander: But look, he loves it!!

Hunter: Help meeeeee!!

Mara: The shower broke again!? Why does the plumbing hate me!?

At least it wasn’t the toilet this time…

Hunter: We’re home from jail-

Careful, there are toddlers everywhere!!

Lysander: How many do we have!?

Since the living room was occupied by a small army of toddlers… I sent the boys outside to play.

Hunter: I’m scared, what if the ball hits my face!?

Lysander: Just stop whining, put your hands up and catch it!!

Hunter: GASP!!... Now what do I do with it??

Throw it back??

Hunter: Whaa!?

What kind of a throw was that??

Hunter: This game is so confusing!!

Mara: Now Caleb, you need to start learning some skills…

Caleb: Daddy?? … No Daddy??

Caleb: Me wan Daddy!!

Mara: Ugh, I think this one’s broken…

Charlie?? … Charlie!!

Charlie: Zzz… What??

You’re needed at the hospital again!!

Charlie: Zzz…Zzz…Zzz…

Lysander: Hey, who left this in our room!?

Anthony: Food??

Um, okaaaay… Random horse having a casual stroll through the garden…

Oreo: Hmm… Where’s the head??

Charlie: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaawn… Why do people need doctors to work at night?! Can’t they wait until morning??

Great, it looks like the random horse decided to invite all his friends over to glitch up our garden…


Charlie: Hello?? .... WHAT THE FUDGE!? … *faints*

Oreo: (GASP!! Look what I found!! … Can we keep him!?)

Maybe locking Oreo outside for the night wasn’t such a good idea…

Lysander: TOILET RAGE!!

This kid is getting more like his mother everyday…

Charlie: Good morning Robyn, who’s Daddy’s favourite little princess in the whole wide world??

Robyn: ???

Charlie: You are!! Yes you are, I love you lots and lots and lots!!

Caleb: *Death stare*

Jealous much??

Charlie: Holy muffins, monsters have surrounded the house!!

Lysander: Cool, can I ride them!?


Mara!? You’re late for work!!

Mara: Well I’m having a small problem getting to the car…

Anyways, today is Charlie’s birthday!! … And he’s celebrating alone because everyone he knows is at work, at school or is a toddler…

Charlie: That means more cake for me!!

Charlie: So how do I look??

I’m sorry to break it to you but the sparkles brought wrinkles… and a mid-life crisis…

Charlie: What!? But I’m too young to have a mid-life crisis!! Right??... Right!?

No comment.

You’ll probably all be glad to hear I finally installed the Supernatural EP onto my new computer!! So after work I sent Mara to explore the new shop…

 Mara: MWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Show me the evil magic!!

This is why I don’t take you out in public…

Mara: Whoa!! This bush grows candy!?

Mara don’t eat the-


Never mind…

Mara: Why would anyone make a fire flavoured jelly bean!?

I tried to warn you… Want to try another one??

Mara: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr…

Oh look… We have a visitor…

Charlie: GASP!! … Did you hear that??

Hunter: I think it came from outside…

Charlie: H-h-h-h-hello??... Who’s there??

Find anything??

Charlie: No… Maybe it was just the-


Charlie: Whaaaa!?


Charlie: *faints*

Zombie: No braaaaaains??

I’m afraid you came to the wrong house zombie…

Oreo: WOOF!!

Zombie: GRRRRR!!

Oreo: Woof!?

Clearly these two are sharing some higher form of communication…

Zombie: Dog braaaaains??

Seriously, if you want brains then you need to find another house.

Oreo: (I found another one!!)


Sorry dude, my brains are off limits

Hang on… Is that one wearing a riding hat??... Are you by any chance missing a herd of horses??

Well luckily everyone survived the mini zombie invasion and the next morning Lysander was out bright and early to have a bake sale… In his pyjamas??

Lysander: It’s Saturday!! Why would anyone bother getting dressed on a weekend!?


Lysander: Nothing!!... I licked nothing!!

Mara: N’aaawww, that’s my evil little boy!!

Hunter: Whaa!? Oreo!? Stop digging!!

Oreo: (I could have sworn I left a hotdog here somewhere…)

Lysander: Hello would you like a muffin??

RandomLady: Yes okay… wait… $30!?

Lysander: Oh trust me they’re worth it-

RandomGuy: HEY!! I want my money back!!


Um… Charlie?? What’s with the new outfit??

Charlie: I thought I was time I got something to show off my epic fashion sense!

Charlie, you’re middle aged. Deal with it and move on.

Charlie: Oh you just jealous you don’t have my swag brother!


Putting Charlie’s interesting fashion choices aside… Today is Caleb’s birthday!! My beautiful blonde baby boy is growing up <3

Lysander: AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! What happened to Dad?!

Here he is!!... Personally I think he is still the cutest thing EVER… and he developed the snob trait. He’s gorgeous and he knows it!

And that concludes this chapter, I hope you all enjoyed!

Now that my exams are over I will try my best to start posting weekly again but I do apologise if I’m a bit behind… However my current schedule is new chapters every FRIDAY! Thanks for reading please feel free to leave a comment here or on forums:

Happy simming ^-^

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