Friday, 19 June 2015

The Charming Family Legacy Gen.1 Ch.11

Hello, I hope everyone has had a lovely week and welcome to the Charming Family Legacy Gen.1 Ch.11!!

Last chapter Hunter and Lysander became teens and we are slowly aging up the toddlers… Only three left to go now, then no more diapers!! Anyways, let us begin…

And we start the chapter with the pet zombie trying to eat the paparazzi… Good boy Parker!!

Good morning Lysander-

Lysander: *grumble mumble grumble*

Hunter: *grunt grumble*

Lysander: *mumble mumble*

Teenagers in the morning… What more can I expect??

Lysander: *death stare*

Caleb: Can I help you??


Hunter: Oooooooooh… Blueberries…

Caleb: Hehe… You just can’t stand that I’m cuter than you…

Lysander: *intense death stare*

Run Caleb… RUN!

Well, I think we all know what that face means…

Mara: CHARLIE!! Darrell’s on the potty!!

Charlie: Whaa!? Again!?

Lysander: You will never take me!!

Oh it’s just school, suck it up and go…

Lysander: Aren’t you meant to be at school too!?

*hides behind textbook*

Bud-driver: Are you coming or not??

Lysander: Keep driving lady, me don’t need no education!!

Some English lessons wouldn’t hurt…

Hunter: Oreo!? That’s my rope toy!!

Hunter, you’re at home too??... Did anyone go to school today!?

Caleb: Yayy!! Art class!!

Teacher: Caleb, put down those paints right-


Hunter: Hahaha I win!!

Oreo: Woof?!

Charlie: Whaa!? Hunter stop playing with the bear!!

Hunter: What’s up Dad??

Charlie: M-m-make it go away!!

Hunter: Aw… I think you hurt Oreo’s feelings… Did you need something??

Charlie: Yes um…


Hunter: What?!

Charlie: You’re skipping school?! Did Lysander stay home too!?

Wait… Where did Lysander go??

  Lysander: MWAHAHAHA… Troll, troll, troll…

Charlie: But hey, since you’re my favourite son you’re not grounded… Is that cool with you??

Great parenting Charlie…

Hunter: So… Am I in trouble??

Yes, no, um… Oh I don’t know; just go watch TV or something…

 Ahem… Lysander??

Lysander: What??

I don’t think they allow spray painting in the library…

Lysander: Oh please it’s a library, no one will notice…

Old-lady: GASP!! …. I think someone spilt coffee on this book!! Some people are so careless…

Wow how do you sleep when it’s so crammed up here??

Hunter: It’s as far away as I can get from Lysander…

Good point. Anyways, I wanted to tell you your prom is happening this Thursday!!

Hunter: Oh my muffins, I need to ask Christen!!

Um, Hunter?? That’s the wrong side of the bed-

Okay… Never mind… Why use the ladder when you can climb out of the window?

Hunter: Whoa what just happened??

I think you climbed through a wall… Let’s just move on…

Hunter: Cookie, you’re a girl right?! How do I ask Christen to prom!?

Cookie: Woof!

Hunter: But the last time I tried to mark my territory I got thrown out of the park!!

Whoa let’s keep this chapter rating PG please!!

Lysander: I’m home!! … Can I smell ice cream??

Lysander: Dad, perfect timing!! Give me some money so I can buy an ice-


Here we go again…

Lysander: But I was vandalising the library!! Doesn’t that count as educational?!

Mara?? What are you doing out from work so early??


Why what’s going on-

Policeman: MARA CHARMING!!

No… That’s a plant…

Mara: I don’t like you…

Policman: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you… um… s-say… er…

Mara: *evil glare*

Mara: Will you release me if I give you a cookie??

Policeman: No!

Mara: How about two cookies??

Policeman: Hmm… No.

Hunter: Run to me Robyn, run like the wind!!

Robyn: ???

Robyn: *sits down*

Hunter: Oooh… so close!!

Caleb: But she didn’t even move!

Caleb: Why is everyone so obsessed with her!?

She’s the only girl out of six children… She has the cuteness advantage

Caleb: Have you SEEN me!? I’m adorable!!... She can’t even use the toilet!!

Hunter: GAAAH!!

What are you doing!?

Hunter: The toilet… *drowning* … It’s attacking me!!

Lysander?? Do you know anything about a spraying toilet??

Lysander: What? When? I didn’t do anything!!

Wait… What’s that on the sink??

Lysander: What sink?? … I don’t see a sink… No sinks here!! … Haha…

Charlie: Has anyone seen Mara??

Didn’t you hear?? She got thrown in jail.

Charlie: IN JAIL!? … What do I do with all the kids!?


Police-man: Be quiet, I’m dealing with a report of vandalism at the library-

Mara: I’M HUNGRY!!

Charlie: BLAH-ACK-ER-AH!?

Lysander: Ehehehehehehehe…

Charlie: When is Mara coming home!?

Oh thank the fudge…Does this mean your mid-life crisis is over now you’re dressing normally again??

Charlie: Actually I wanted you opinion…

Charlie: Do you like my new hair!?

Oh my muffins… This crisis is affecting your mental health…

Caleb: Wow cool hair Dad!!

Don’t you even THINK about going near the hair dye Caleb!!

Caleb: So I was wondering if you wanted to watch TV together??

Charlie: Sorry buddy, I already promised Robyn I’d read her to sleep… See ya' later!!

Charlie: Who’s my gorgeous beautiful baby girl?!

Caleb: Dad??

Wow… It’s like you can actually feel the jealousy…

Lysander?? Your curfew is in an hour!

Lysander: Yeah, yeah, yeah…

Hunter: *stares at door*

I’d go to bed Hunter… Lysander is still at the park…

Hunter: He went to the park without me!? Alone!? In the dark!?

Don’t worry the police will find him soon… Maybe he can spend the night with your Mum in jail??

Hunter: D-d-d-dad??... Are you awake??


Charlie: Whaa!? Hunter!?

Hunter: What happened to your hair!? Are you bleeding!? SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!! … *faints*

Charlie: Did he not like my hair??

Mara: No one can lock up Mara Charming!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Nice to you see you’re out of jail…

Um… Why are you clapping and smiling??

Mara: I don’t know!! … Make it stop!!

Mara: What?! … I spent my birthday in jail?!

Oops, I forgot you needed to age up…

Mara: I’m… middle-aged??

Yes, how do you feel??

Mara: I feel…


Whew… No mid-life crisis!!

And that brings us to the end of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed reading!!

Next chapter the triplets finally age up as we get closer and closer to the heir vote for generation 2!! But don’t pick your favourites just yet since there is lots more personality to come… Thanks so much for reading and please feel free to leave a comment either her or on forums, it really makes my day!


This is just small note to honour someone very special in my life that passed away today… This morning my dog Kipper was put to sleep. I wasn’t going to say anything but I thought he deserved a shout out for being one of my best-est friends ever, and loving me unconditionally for over 13 years. He is the reason behind my username “Kipper123” which I had regretted choosing for years, wishing I’d chosen something cooler, but now it will always be a lovely reminder of him every day <3 RIP Kips…

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